Friday, July 25, 2008

The Day Heaven Met The Earth....D I Style!

So my day today began with eating a bowl of Chocolate Cap'n crunch. It ended the same way. while you may think that's all i did all day... you are wrong, I spent the grater part of my afternoon with my brother Davy. (pictured at a BYU football game, with Gods light shining on him).We began our day playing his newly purchased Wii, my brother played Guitar hero 3 while i watched. i tend to have problems playing guitar hero.. i think its because my fingers a so stubby it makes for some less effective guitar hero playing. i rather played some Wii golf. oh and i did my bothers dishes....why?? After taking our gaming goggles off we ventured off to Wingers where my brothers wife works, to get some discounted food. we get the food that people send back if it wasn't cooked right or it didn't taste right. it isn't that bad. lunch was pretty entertaining, free pop corn, interesting drinks created my sister in-law, Windex being used as a table cleaning agent, (funny story) and the possibility of being used as a beverage. After finishing our food we looked for something else to do. we decided upon going to D I. i haven't been there for a while, and i soon realized that i had been living in sin. the only bad part of about D I is the smell. Ok lets be honest, there are many reasons why D I freaks me out but the smell is the main thing. After looking through all their shirts and ties it seemed that this trip to D I would be all lost. then we walked through a door in to what i would like to think of as heaven. we walked over to the bikes to see what they had. this is where things get good. they had 2 road bikes that were in pretty good condition, besides the flat tires and D I smell (do bikes have a smell?... i think so??) my brother has wanted one for a while now and was debating on purchasing one. i began to encourage him to pick a bike, i suggested the bike that was all sorts of vintage looking, tan, orange, brown... nothing gets better then that. or the blue one that was also there. then as a selection was about the be made an angel from god came and presented another road bike that was made for a shrek (or what looked to me that a shrek was riding it). this bike interested my brother as he looked it over and prayed about it he decided that he would select the shrek bike. i then thought about making a bike purchase as well. i didn't really need a bike. when would i have time to ride it? but with a price that i created at $15 dollars, (if you want to know how i created it just ask me) who could pass it up? it was done i was getting the bike that i was encouraging my brother to buy. this is where it gets good. we began to wheel our bikes to the front of the store to buy them, we would of rode them up there but mine had a flat tire and my brothers seat was set so high it would be impossible to get on. this lady saw us pushing them up and began to shake her head in agreement, "that's a smart idea" i then replied back "Going Green!!" (i could care less about going green, i had just found a bike that was 15 bucks). As i proceeded to pay i told the lady "Going Green!!" as well... she then told me how sad it was that gas was costing so much. i wasn't really paying any attention, i was plotting how i was going to get 2 bikes into my car. After a great struggle we bent two sweet bikes into my rental car. we were blessed yet again with a bungie cord to hook my trunk shut. we acted like two school boys that had just won the state championship. we spent the next hour fixing a flat and putting our newly acquired bikes back together. we went for a bike ride and soon realized we wish they came with water bottles. but im glad they didn't.. who knows that they could of had in them coming from D I? anyways that was my day... amazing. here is my bike. i cant remember what we named it.. oh well. good night.

1 comment:

Davy J said...

That was defintely an epic trip to DI. I was disappointed until we hit the outside section. I have never seen bikes like that before, and I think its safe to say that we never will again. What a crazy afternoon.